SCOUT Online: Tracks

Table of Contents


In order to build a vehicle track, select a required vehicle. You can select a vehicle finding it either on a map or in Units section in the left menu.

Building a track using Units section

Open Units and find the required vehicle in the table. Press Actions button and select Build track option (Figure 1). Then the page will switch to track display mode (see Figure 6).

Figure 1 - Build track using Units section

Building a track using the map

If you select a vehicle on the map, the page will switch to track building page (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Track building page

The track building page consists of the following elements:

Figure 3 - Current data panel

Figure 4 - Map toolbar

- status indicator (online, lagging, not connected);

- name, license plate;

- date and time of the last message;

- speed;

- fuel volume (if the vehicle does not have a fuel level sensor, then fuel consumption is indicated by a dash “-”);

- information about the driver (the driver is displayed as Unknown if they haven't been identified in a vehicle. If there were several drivers during the track period, they are displayed sequentially.)

- Report button with a drop-down list. On selecting the desired report, you be taken to the "Reports" page, in which this report and object will already be selected. 

- Track button with options: “Today”, “Yesterday”, “Over the past 2 days”, “Select”. 

Figure 5 - Object Information Panel

Track display mode

After that, the page will switch to track display mode (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - Track display mode

After building the track, the following buttons appear:

Figure 7 - Track Display Submenu

Don't show parkings option enables you to see the track without parking icons ()
Show parkings option enables you to see the track with parking icons. When the parking icon is clicked on, parking time and duration appears in vehicle information panel (Figure 8).
You can easily access information about other parking stops using buttons  in the information panel, or finding and clicking parking buttons on the map.

Figure 8 - Parking time and duration

Draw tracks enables you to color tracks according to the speed of the vehicle (Figure 9). 

Figure 9 - Color tracks

The colored track is presented in Figure 10. 

Figure 10 - Colored track

Figure 11 - Movement and parking

Figure 12 - Reports button

Article Number: 3326
Author: Tue, Jan 14, 2020
Last Updated: Tue, Jan 14, 2020
Author: Анисимов Максим Михайлович []

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